The Voice of Meon Vale
Photo credit: Wil Perry
Welcome to
Meon Vale Residents Association
We are an independent, community-led voluntary organisation working together to make the new village of Meon Vale
a great place to live.
The MVRA was established by residents in February 2021 to be the Voice of Meon Vale on matters of common interest and to foster community spirit.
Who We Are
The Meon Vale Residents Association is comprised of and run by volunteers from the community of Meon Vale.
Meon Vale includes the developments called Meon Way Gardens, Poet's Grange and Cotswold Vale.
Meon Vale is governed by three parish councils, two district councils and two county councils!
Photo credit: Rosemary Kidd
The Residents Association was set up to be the Voice of Meon Vale to represent the views of residents to these and other organisations.
New volunteers are always welcome!
What We Do
We have four general meetings per year for every resident to attend, one of these is the AGM.
Residents can volunteer to be members of the executive committee which meets more regularly.
Photo credit: Laura Murphy
In 2021 we completed a Residents Survey to help the committee understand what is important to you. From this we developed a Community Action Plan that set out your priorities for Meon Vale's future.
Based upon this so far we have:
Have held regular community events.
Obtained funding which has kick started several new community activities.
Formed an Eco Group to improve and promote the biodiversity in Meon Vale.
Pushed site issues with the developers, management companies and councils.
Photo credit: Laura Murphy
Our Community Partners
The MVRA is independent, but we work closely with with many organisations, from parish councils to site developers and management companies. See the Site Issues for more info.
Get Involved!
Would you like to help support the Residents Association? It’s a great way to meet new people.
Can you spare an hour a month to help us?
at community events and activities
at the Pavilion coffee shop
distributing leaflets
planting trees and wildflowers
applying for funding
helping with admin
We would love to hear from you!
Photo credit: Adam Trainor