A planning application has been submitted to relocate All Things Wild from Honeybourne to Willicote near Clifford Chambers. If you want to view details the ref is 22/00114/OUT
The application summary for the site at CV37 8LN is:
Hybrid planning application for the change of use of land and existing buildings from equestrian / employment use, to a wildlife park visitor attraction comprising A) full planning application for change of use of 4 existing buildings into a staff building, a storage /workshop building, covered picnic area and a cafe and indoor play building; erection of a new admissions building, amphitheatre, seasonal artificial ice rink, 2 x tobogganing slopes, 4 x retail huts, animal houses, enclosures and associated exhibits, amenity buildings, walk though time dinosaur exhibit and 2 units of overnight staff accommodation; the installation of a new main vehicle access, car parking facilities and internal roads and paths, animal fencing and perimeter service track, the creation of ponds and boating lake; and B) outline planning permission to enlarge the wildlife park visitor attraction to include further animal paddocks, ancillary animal houses, enclosures and exhibits and play areas, up to 45 units of overnight visitor accommodation, the creation of ponds, landscape features and planting.
There is a general concern by some that the B4632 cannot take the additional traffic this development might generate as well as overloading the already overloaded Clopton Bridge, a historical monument, over which most traffic heading south of the river must pass over. The B4632 has also to accommodate the traffic from Long Marston Airfield, which could see up to 3500 homes eventually.
